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Cichlids Australia

The Australian Cichlid Enthusiasts Forum is Australia's largest cichlid forum. Sponsorship of the Australian Cichlid Enthusiasts Forum gives you access to the forums for advertising and can be a very powerful tool for attracting customers to your business. The Australian Cichlid Enthusiasts Forum forums receive over 9000 page views per day - all from cichlid and aquarium enthusiasts, this targeted audience makes the Australian Cichlid Enthusiasts Forum the ideal place to advertise.

Sponsorship costs $30/mnth ($360/yr) (AUD) and, as previously mentioned, gives your business the right to advertise on the forum and to two 88x31 button links to your website. One of which is displayed on the Australian Cichlid Enthusiasts Forum homepage ( and the other on the forums themselves. These buttons must be hosted and created by the sponsor. Graphic design will incur an extra, one off fee, dependant upon the work required.

The Australian Cichlid Enthusiasts Forum takes a strong stand on several issues and we require our sponsors to maintain a similar stance on these issues. Breaches of these conditions will result in discontinuation of sponsorship.

1. Hybrid cichlids. Hybrid cichlids can cause many problems in the hobby and as such the Australian Cichlid Enthusiasts Forum does not allow the sale of hybrid cichlids on the forums. In this, sponsors are expected to not sell hybrids in store. eg. blood parrots, flowerhorns or other hybrids. More information.

2. Dyed fish. The Australian Cichlid Enthusiasts Forum considers all artifical dyeing of fish to be a form of cosmetic mutilation and therefore animal cruelty. The RSPCA also do not support or condone this practice, as such all sponsors must enter into an undertaking not to sell dyed fish eg. painted glassfish, coloured corys etc. More information.

3. Maleing Agents. Certain brands of food give female cichlids male colouration and other traits. Some of these brands of food clearly contain sex hormones, while in others the active ingredient is less clear. In all cases the Australian Cichlid Enthusiasts Forum considers these foods to be unsafe as no long term trials of the effects of these foods appear to have been conducted. Colour enhancing foods, ie: those that contain only beta-carotene are, of course, acceptable and completely different in action to foods that contain "maleing agents". For legal reasons brand that contain "maleing agents" will not be named in this document, however, more information is available via email. While the Australian Cichlid Enthusiasts Forum cannot dictate product selection by other businesses we cannot in good conscience accept sponsors who sell these product lines.

Payment is required 3 months in advance by cheque or money order or preferably by direct deposit to our bank account. We will give a $60 discount to payments made for a full year (ie: $300.00). All payments are non-refundable.

Thank you for your interest in advertising on the Australian Cichlid Enthusiasts Forum. us via email for more information.